Over the summer break the New Zealand Herald asked me for some comments on New Year's resolutions relating to financial planning. While Covid has been our "black swan" event of 2020 and unfortunately coming into 2021, Covid is now out of control in many areas of the world, I believe it is important to still focus on what you can control. Revisiting your personal risk management & estate planning is a good place to start. You can't plan for all risks especially these unforeseen black swan events such as Covid but you can plan to mitigate risk through a combination of personal (& business) financial planning + insurance.
Southern Cross recently pledged to return $50 million to support it’s members and business customers as part of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This pledge has now been applied as a credit to all eligible health insurance policies that were in place on 1 April 2020. Southern Cross is currently in the process of advising policyholders of their premium credit details – you can expect to receive yours within the next couple of weeks.
“It’s the right thing to do and another way we’re with you during this tough economic time”.